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Four boys receive Msgr. Dowed award

Four boys receive Msgr. Dowed award

The highest award given by Hoban, the Monsignor Richard A. Dowed School Spirit Award singles out students who have made outstanding contributions of their time, effort and talent to the Hoban community and to the activities connected with the school. Faculty committees select students who have best exemplified the ideals of Christian service, leadership and spirit. 

Winners of the Monsignor Dowed Award for 2019-20 are senior Joshua Bisesi, junior Luke Monteleone, sophomore Jackson Alexander and freshman Dominic Henry.

Each year one student from each grade level is selected for the award.The awards are announced at the Spring Awards Night in May.

The award dates back to 1957 and is named after the late pastor of nearby Annunciation Church (now Visitation of Mary), who convinced Archbishop Edward Hoban of the need for a new Catholic high school for boys in Akron and acquired the land that was to become its campus.