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Hoban hosts college preparation workshops for seniors

Hoban hosts college preparation workshops for seniors

During the first week of August, Hoban hosted a College Essay Workshop with Ms. Moyer and Ms. Tuma. Students engaged in a variety of individual and collaborative activities to begin the writing process. They began by examining each of the possible essay prompts. Then, the students analyzed exemplar essays to pull impressive writing techniques for a memorable essay. Throughout the whole week, students met with Ms. Moyer and Ms. Tuma for individual conferences to gain constructive feedback and positive encouragement on a working first draft of their college essays.

On August 9, Hoban's office of student services held a series of senior college application sessions. During each session, students created a Common Application account, learned how to request letters of recommendation and received other related information to the application process. After attending a session, students will be able to work on and complete their Common Application before school begins. The goal is to relieve stress during the college application process and make it easier for students to enjoy their senior year.