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Honor Roll published for fourth quarter

Honor Roll published for fourth quarter

To be listed on the honor roll each quarter, a student must have a 3.00 grade-point average, with no grade lower than C-minus. If a student has a 3.00 GPA and a grade lower than C-minus, the student may appeal to the Academic Review Board. No student may be included on the honor roll until any incomplete grade (I) has been made up. 

There are three honor roll classifications: 

Highest Honors: 3.85 to 4.83

High Honors: 3.50 to 3.84

Honors: 3.00 to 3.49

The honor roll is published at the end of each of the first three grading periods. Students on the honor roll for the first three quarters qualify for a Scholastic Honor Award presented at the Honors Assembly in May.

To align with Hoban's policy of not ranking students, honor rolls are listed alphabetically. See the lists.