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Re-enrollment 2022-23

Re-enrollment 2022-23

It's re-enrollment season. Hoban has transitioned to a new, school-wide student information system called Blackbaud Services. Parents of current freshmen, sophomores and juniors will re-enroll students for the 2022-23 school year in this new system. 

Re-enrollment Instructions

  1. Parents received an email from This email will include a link to create your account. If you did not receive this email, please email Christine Hahn
  2. Click on the link in the email to create your account, using your email address (to which you received the invitation email) as the username
  3. Create a secure password
  4. Check your email again for a confirmation message to verify your account. Follow the link in your confirmation message
  5. Once you are logged in, click on Checklist. If you have multiple students, you can view the checklist per student or collectively
  6. Complete all outstanding steps in the checklist(s) by March 15, 2022

Watch a video message from President DiMauro ’99


Is FACTS Tuition Management being replaced?

Hoban will finish the 2021-22 school year using FACTS Tuition management. In March, families will be invited to create an account for Blackbaud Tuition management for the 2022-23 academic year.

Will we still use Powerschool?

Families will still use Powerschool for information related to grades and academic records for the remainder of the 2021-22 academic year. The Blackbaud account will be the only source for this information in 2022-23.

What if my student(s) has not yet met with a school counselor to determine next year's schedule?

The Office of Student Services will continue to schedule appointments with students who have not made their schedule for next year. Parents and students do not need to make these appointments.

Contact Christine Hahn with any questions you may have as we transition to this new system.