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Quarter 3 and 4 Academic and Chivalrous Knights announced

Quarter 3 and 4 Academic and Chivalrous Knights announced

Each grading period students are selected as Academic and Chivalrous Knights. 

Academic Knights excel in scholarship. They also demonstrate leadership, service to the Hoban family, service to the community, Christian values and good character. Chivalrous Knights exhibit industriousness in the classroom, outstanding effort, involvement in student activities, Christian values and a polite, positive and helpful attitude toward others. View Photos

Chivalrous Knights Q3 Academic Knights Q3
Freshmen Micah Rice and Abby Chirdon Freshmen Mary Hottinger and Alex Lin 
Sophomores Madison Curto and Brady Terzola Sophomores Bobby Kostko and Addison Snider
Juniors Lukas Cinko  and Andrew Haas  Juniors Jack Wiencek and Brody Franjesh 
Seniors Bianca Dukes and Will DiPronio  Seniors Angie George and Stephen Matko
Chivalrous Knights Q4 Academic Knights Q4
Freshmen Molly Maltempi and Will Givens Freshmen Sophia and Davis Maya Flavelle
Sophomores Jack Doucet and Tanner Carson Sophomores Rebecca Brown and Annie Fuhrer 
Juniors Kimora Greenwood and Jayvian Crable Juniors Guido Chiancone and Carly Jones 
Seniors Colin McDermott and Olivia Hawk  Seniors Abby Joyner and Ally Obney