Students compete in Model UN conferences
Students compete in Model UN conferences
Ten students participated in the Cleveland Council on World Affairs, Case Western Reserve Model United Nations competition on March 17-18. Junior Sawyer Huckabee and Freshman Megan Crowe each won the Gavel Award (top award) on their committees, Sophomore Frank Bradshaw won a Superior Delegate award. Freshman Jimmy Bordenkircher earned an Honorable Mention and Sawyer Huckabee and Junior Grant Waller won best position papers. |
Six Hoban students participated in the Washington Area Model UN Conference on March 4-7.The event was sponsored by George Washington University. Ian Davey, Julian Scheiman, Ella Stimpson, Alyssa Garfinkle and Annie Fuhrer and Jimmy Bordenkircher competed with 450 students around the United States and the globe.