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Campus Safety and Security

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The safety of students, educators and our community is our first priority.

The Office of Campus Safety and Security works with all members of our community to ensure that Hoban's campus is a safe environment.

To succeed academically, emotionally and socially, students require a safe and supportive school environment. To do so, the administration and security office assesses and mitigates risks, prepares for emergencies and continues to educate the hearts and minds of every Hoban student.


The office coordinates the school's emergency response and safety protocols, which includes managing alarm and door access systems. Safety and Security coordinates training and safety drills with the local first responders such as fire and police departments, ambulance services and the 911 responders.


Hoban's Office of Campus Safety and Security identifies best practice safety methodologies and maintains a proactive approach with school safety. Improvements have been made, largely through state and federal grant opportunities, such as: 

  • New classroom doors
  • New entry access system
  • Additional security cameras
  • Extended staff training opportunities
Richard Kramer

Richard Kramer

Coordinator of Campus Security
Roxane Fleishour

Roxane Fleishour

Associate of Campus Security