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Strategic Plan

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The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan has been created and approved by the Hoban Board of Directors, based on the results of a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process.

The three-year plan is the result of that process, and includes input from students, families, Holy Cross educators and alumni. In an effort to better understand Hoban’s unique challenges, as well as its standing and identity within the Akron community, Northeast Ohio region and beyond, the plan centers its focus on several goals:

  1. Discovery of the school’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  2. Understanding stakeholder desires and expectations for the future
  3. Increased trust and collaboration between students, parents, staff members, administration and alumni
  4. Enhanced quality of experience for the students served by Hoban
  5. Planning for the future of Hoban while maintaining a commitment to time-honored traditions, current initiatives and programming

Several steps were taken to receive stakeholder input, including:

  • In August 2021, the Hoban Board of Directors participated in a SWOT analysis exercise to better articulate the recent performance and dynamics of the school from the position and perspective of governance and oversight
  • In the fall of 2021, Hoban sponsored a series of listening sessions. The listening sessions included: staff members, parents/families and students
  • An online survey was created to learn more about student and parent perceptions of Hoban and served as an easily accessible mechanism for feedback. The survey was available from October through December 2021