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College and Career Counseling

Lorem Ipsum

The return on investment of a Hoban education is evident throughout our college and career counseling services.

Students begin exploring and preparing for the college admission process with their college and career counselor during sophomore year. Support continues until students are committed to a college or have a future plan with which they are comfortable.


As a Hoban student, your reputation precedes you, allowing you to make an outstanding first impression with any school of your choice. Representatives from dozens of colleges and universities visit Hoban each year, giving students the opportunity to learn about them and enabling the counselors to maintain a working relationship with college admissions offices. Furthermore, the student services office compiles a listing of off-site college fairs and programs for your consideration. 

With two full-time college and career counselors on staff dedicated to helping students and families successfully navigate the college search process, each student is prepared for their next chapter when they receive their diploma. Students and their families are encouraged to be active throughout the process. 


Kathryn Ribovich

Kathryn Ribovich

Department Chair of Student Services, College and Career Counselor


Heidi Maltempi

Heidi Maltempi

College and Career Counselor

College and Career Planning Timeline

This guide will help you prepare for the college admission process.


Hoban utilizes SCOIR, a web-based software service platform that provides students and families with a variety of features, including college research and matching tools, course planning and career assessment to help students connect what they are doing in school to what they would like to do once they complete their education.

SCOIR provides additional functionality to school counselors to track the progress of individual students, communicate and collaborate with students and families or create reports on their entire student population. Additionally, SCOIR facilitates the submission of college applications, as well as online submission of transcripts, school forms and recommendations.


It is our commitment to ensure that every Hoban graduate leaves our family with a dedicated plan for their future. Whether that is continuing their education at a college or university, or pursuing one of the many career and technical pathways, we are here to support our students and families through this planning process by walking with them hand in hand on this important journey.

—Jennifer Mattes, Associate Principal of Student Services