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Visual Arts

Lorem Ipsum

The visual and digital arts faculty provides all students, from the inexperienced to the sophisticated, opportunities to discover their ability, the world around them and different cultures. Your exploration occurs through studying artistic techniques, methods, concepts and histories of various visual arts.

Through all these studies, whether individual or communal, you are encouraged to represent personal interests and experiences in your work. In becoming aware of this personal subject matter, while relating it both to the materials of the masters and their peers, you will discover and develop unique subject matter and means of expression. All such activities are intended to foster the growth of the intellectual curiosity and creative sensitivity necessary for a full, satisfying Christian life.

The art curriculum is designed to encourage and develop skills and personal growth. To these ends, its goals include experiences in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and printmaking—while stressing art history, criticism, aesthetics and the compositional elements and principles of art and design.

Students use technology, including iPads, digital video editing software, and design and photo-manipulation programs to advance their understanding of how to create and interpret visual art and discover contemporary methods of creative problem solving in real-world applications.

One credit of visual and/or performing arts is required for graduation. 

20 Hoban students receive recognition

Hoban art students had considerable success at the 2025 Scholastic Art Competition. Hoban participated in the Northeast Central Ohio Art Region category this year. Of the more than 2,500 individual entries, 20 Hoban students received recognition for their artwork, including three gold keys, seven silver keys and 17 honorable mentions in categories ranging from Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Photography, Digital Art and Comic Art.

The exhibition of all silver key, gold key, and gold key portfolios is on display from Jan. 13-29 in the Fine Arts Building at Kent State University, Stark Campus. Gold-key awarded artworks will be judged on the national level, with the possibility of being included in an exhibition in New York City. 



In 2021, Hoban renovated the fourth floor into a 7,400 square-foot visual arts center called CREATE Studios. The space provides the needed resources for professional, curriculum and programmatic growth. 


The Purchase Prize Award was created in 2014 to create a gallery of student artwork throughout the school.  The many pieces of art that are now hanging at Hoban are each documented with a plaque engraved with the year of purchase and the student's name.

Visual Art Faculty

Zachary Feador

Zachary Feador

Kim Eggleston-Kraus

Kim Eggleston-Kraus

Jill Fortman

Jill Fortman

Elaina Karafilis

Elaina Karafilis
