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Health and Physical Education

Lorem Ipsum

The Health and Physical Education Department is an integral part of Hoban's educational program and philosophical framework.

Realizing that education considers the total development of the individual -- mind, body and heart -- the goal of the department is to provide students with experiences necessary to develop those understandings, values and skills that contribute to their overall health and wellness.

The quality of an individual’s life is dependent on the ability to make choices that are beneficial to oneself and others. It is essential for students to learn to make healthy choices in the areas of personal health and physical well being. 

Learn more about Hoban Wellness

Both Hoban and the Ohio Department of Education require ½ unit of health and ½ unit of physical education for graduation. Students complete the health requirement and ¼ unit of the physical education requirement in the ninth grade. We suggest that the remaining ¼ unit of physical education requirement be completed in the 10th grade unless course load dictates its postponement.

If a student has a physical disability, departmental guidelines are followed regarding fulfillment of the State physical education requirement.

Health and Physical Education Faculty

Mark Moundros


Mitch Wagner
