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The Science Department prepares students to meet the rigorous challenges expected of them and to successfully compete with their peers on the world stage.

An enduring understanding of the multi-faceted scientific process is critical to prepare students for the rigor and deeper understanding expected of them in the twenty-first century. In addition to traditional factual knowledge, science courses at Hoban emphasize historical, societal and the human dimension of science. An emphasis is placed on critical-thinking skills by evaluating and interpreting student generated laboratory data and the literacy skills required for clear and concise written evaluation of the data. In collaboration with other academic departments, science courses prepare students for those skills expected of them to be college and career ready.

Three credits of science are required by Hoban for graduation. These must include one unit of biology, one unit of a physical science and one unit of advanced science. Students are encouraged to research the entrance requirements of colleges they may be interested in to make sure they meet the standards. Some science courses have prerequisite science or math courses. Selected students may enter the honors science/math sequence during the sophomore year.

Two female students in a science lab

Science Department Faculty

Diane Cook


Candace Bates


Monica Cales


John Laubacher


Amie Mancine


James Mulholland


Anna Siders


Erick Siders


Diane Vrobel
