Once a Knight. Always a Knight.
Hoban’s influence can be found in every major profession and industry, in positions of leadership, volunteering around the world and contributing to the growth of communities in our own backyard. From NASA to Capitol Hill to the NFL and back to Goodyear, Hoban graduates are making a real difference in our local, regional and global communities.
With nearly 12,000 alumni, the success stories are countless. Hoban graduates are true testaments of the power of a Holy Cross education. Stay connected and informed.
The alumni office plans events and networking opportunities for alumni to stay connected with classmates, make new connections with fellow alumni and stay up to date with Hoban news. —Tim Lucey ’97, Director of Alumni Relations
Alumni Voices
"A great piece of advice that I was given is that it's OK if you don't have everything in your life figured out right now. At Hoban, I learned that if you put time and effort into everything you do, it will pay off. As long as you continue to move in the right direction, you will eventually start to find those answers."
Avery Bable ’16, Account Executive, GMR Marketing
"My favorite Holy Cross core value is discipline. There have been many obstacles and temptations that I have encountered throughout my college experience. There have been times when I have wanted to give up, quit and do the complete opposite of what I have been CALLED to do. With the help of God, I have been able to stay disciplined and pursue higher goals I have set for myself. Discipline has kept me in line to obtain my degree in May 2020."
Jasmine Walker ’15, Environmental Engineer
“There is something special about bringing a bunch of people from various backgrounds and becoming family in a matter of four years. With that diversity comes the purest form of acceptance. Hoban allows people to be themselves.”
Travis Howe ’10, Chief Cookie Officer and Owner, Fat T's Cookies
“I remember as a freshman hearing Hoban is family and not understanding what that meant, but, as a student and even as an alumnus, I see truth in that statement. It is not just a family because we all wear blue and gold. It is a family because we all seek to live as Christians in a world that does not always accept that, and we do that together.”
The Rev. Matthew Jordan ’08, Catholic Preist, Cleveland Diocese
"Hoban truly helped set the foundation for what I’d go on to do in life. I’m very thankful to have had the experiences I did at Hoban, which were the building blocks for who I am today. Hoban is a special place that definitely helped shape my values and outlook for what is possible."
Mike Considine ’96, Founder and President, NORKA Food and Beverage, LLC
“Being a good person can be hard work. It's easy to gossip, be rude, apathetic and lukewarm in life. But Hoban taught me to work hard to be kind, thoughtful, understanding and passionate in life, and by doing so you will inspire others to do the same.
My desire to serve others was ignited during my years at Hoban, which led me to my career choice as a nurse and my service with my non-profit in Africa. Hoban helped me build a foundation of values and characteristics that I have been able to expand and strengthen as I entered adulthood. I am very fortunate and thankful to have been a student at Archbishop Hoban High School!”
Erin Clark ’08, Nurse, AYA Healthcare and Summa Akron City Hospital and Founder of Love in Neglected Communities (LINC Worldwide)
Hoban Alumni Scholarships fund Legacy Grants of $500 to students who have at least one parent who graduated from Hoban (if both parents are alumni, only one scholarship is awarded). As a result of this commitment, legacy students receive a grant towards his or her education. To receive this grant, the appropriate section of the Incoming Freshman Scholarship/Grant application must be filled out. Contact for further information.
The actual cost of a Hoban education spans beyond the cost of tuition. A gift of any amount will truly make a difference in the life of every student.