Faith and Service
Disciples with hope to bring.
As a Holy Cross school, Hoban students are called to be “disciples with hope to bring.” With an inclusive approach, students of all faith backgrounds experience and grow in their spirituality.
The 10 Holy Cross core values and faith formation, including theology courses, sacramental opportunities, retreats and Christian service, complement the educational process. Students go beyond instruction that merely transmits knowledge and skills. A Holy Cross education fosters the values, attitudes and behaviors necessary for individuals to make a real difference in the world.
The Office of Campus Ministry and Mission Effectiveness supports students of all religious backgrounds so they can experience their faith beyond the classroom. The office is responsible for planning and directing all liturgies, prayer services, retreats, service projects and the Christian service program. Students participate through the ministry of Holy Communion at Mass, in international and domestic immersion experiences, on retreat teams and other service activities, including Project HOPE and the annual canned food drive.
The Maynard Family Center for Spiritual Engagement is utilized daily to offer morning Mass, Rosary, Adoration and a variety of other spiritual engagement opportunities to students and Holy Cross educators.

The Office of Campus Ministry places special focus on the personal, spiritual and moral development of Hoban students, thereby complementing the work of academic departments and fulfilling the Holy Cross mission of educating the heart as well as the mind.
— Kelsey (Ott ’07) Sees, Campus Minister
Christian Service
Christian service allows students to witness and participate in the building of Christ's kingdom. It empowers students to be faithful to our Holy Cross tradition that calls us to develop "the competence to see and the courage to act." Thus our service must directly serve the poor and the vulnerable.
Liturgy, Prayer and Sacraments
Along with the Universal Church, we recognize that the Eucharist is the source from which all that we do comes and the summit to which all that we do goes. As a Catholic high school, we gather together around the table of the Lord and share this belief.
Student Retreats
The Campus Ministry Office and the theology department offer retreat programs for all grade-levels. The retreats offer students a break from the stress and noise of the world. Prayer, community and fun are blended throughout the day for an engaging and meaningful spiritual experience.
“It is God’s hand which has guided everything, and it is God whom we must thank above all.”
–blessed Basil Moreau, csc
founder of the Congregation of Holy cross