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Christian Service

Lorem Ipsum

Competence to see. Courage to act. 

Christian service allows students to witness and participate in the building of Christ's kingdom. It empowers students to be faithful to our Holy Cross tradition that calls us to develop "the competence to see and the courage to act." Thus our service must directly serve the poor and the vulnerable. 

Christian Service Project

The Christian service project is a graduation requirement in the Theology curriculum. Each student is required to complete the hours of service based on their grade level. In March, students reflect, write and present their service experience with members of their theology class.

View Christian Service Site Suggestions 

Grade Level Hour Requirements
Freshmen 10
Sophomores 15
Juniors 20
Seniors 25
Christopher Fahey

Serving the poor was an integral component of Jesus' teachings and life. Through Christian service, students learn about our community, meet people they otherwise would not interact with and gain a greater appreciation for those who are working to make our communities stronger.

— Chris Fahey, Coordinator of Christian Service and Theology Teacher

Christian Service Awards