Your Impact
Your gift to Hoban is important to you—and it’s important to us.
We want you to know just how impactful you are and how much we appreciate you. Through the decades, the Hoban family has contributed nearly $50 million in gifts of all sizes. The strength of Hoban is directly proportional to your involvement.
"We've always been well aware of the fact that our children never could have attended Hoban without the financial assistance made possible through many donors. We know how important the donations are, whether large or small. We continue to donate because we want to help make it possible for other families to send their children to Hoban." —Karen and Dave ’74 Clark
Asente and Scala Families Innovation Center
Didado Family Health and Fitness Center
Maynard Family Center for Spiritual Engagement
Terry Nolan ’65 Golf Learning Center
- Renovated tired areas of campus into 21st century learning environments
- Expanded our critical endowment fund for scholarships and financial aid
- Sustained our Holy Cross identity through intentional programming
- Created academic programs and curricula to meet today’s challenges and opportunities
- Increased professional development avenues for continued faculty excellence
- Constructed buildings that have promoted experiences to transform students’ lives